Start your journey

"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." John Muir

It's Time to Start Your Adventures

When starting a journey, many will ask, “Where do I Begin?”

The answer is start where you are! Whether you have fallen off track, starting at the beginning or would like an accountability partner to reach your goals, I am here to help you with that. My 4-step process of nature based wellness, along with the physical, nutritional and mental refinement will create inspiring shifts in your health, your body and your life. Using this process you will:

-Get Fit, while adventuring and enjoying the outdoors

-Lose Fat / Build Muscle

-Cultivate Inner Peace

-Attain Mental Clarity

-Find Healing 

-Reset and Re-Charge

Are you ready to go beyond traditional training? My comprehensive wellness transcends traditional programs and will raise your standard for what wellness should be and will create inspiring shifts in your body and in your life. 


It is about maintaining the quality, longevity of life. Its a combination of a healthy mind, body and spirit. My goal is to give you the tools, set you up for success and help you navigate through things with confidence so that you can be the best version of yourself! Stick with it and trust the process. One way to strengthen our love for ourselves is by honoring our body. Expressing gratitude for the body we have begins by excepting how our body looks at this very moment. Our body is the vehicle that allows us to perceive and create in the dream of the planet. Our body will always serve us in sickness and in health.

Physical Fitness

There is so much to see and do out there so if you want to get to all of those wonderful destinations, you have to build the strongest, most capable, most powerful body you can. These days we are constantly being pressured about being thinner, more beautiful, looking younger etc. What we really need to focus on is our own strengths, our own capabilities, our own beauty instead of comparing ourselves to others. Celebrate your body every time it does something amazing. Push your body to do more even when you think you can’t.

Nature Therapy

There are endless benefits to walking in nature. Hiking outdoors improves memory and mood, fights depression and anxiety, relieves stress, and lowers blood pressure. Not only that, but it is in nature where you have the ability to cultivate inner peace. It will strengthen you, help you stay focused and grounded. Hiking in nature provides you a peaceful escape, helping you bring balance to your overall wellbeing. Live peacefully, live strong, live free.


My mission is to help you get started to help you get started on your healthy eating journey. This wellness plan is not a "strict diet". It is geared towards helping you find balance in finding a lifestyle in healthy eating. It is a holistic approach in eating more intuitively. You'll feel at peace with food, get excited about cooking and feel more energetic than ever before. As we continue to grow and learn throughout our years about proper nutrition, this allows our bodies and minds to remain young as we get older. How amazing is that?!

Wellness Plans


The GetMoving plan is for someone starting out on their fitness journey. This program teaches the habits necessary to make healthy lifestyle changes and accomplish desired goals.

-Workout Program-Monthly Progressions
-Lifestyle Habit Coaching
-Healthy Recipes
-Fitness and Wellness Tips
-One-2 hr Hike and One 1 hour
Gym/Training Workout.
(can be customized to 2
of each or 1 of each)


9% OFF

The StepitUp Plan is for someone
who wants a little more from
their fitness journey. This program
teaches the habits necessary to
make healthy lifestyle changes,
with accountability and coaching.

-Customized Workout Program
-Monthly Progressions
-Lifestyle Habit Coaching
-Healthy Recipes
-Fitness and Wellness Tips
-Two-2 hr Hike and Two 1 hour
Gym/Training Workout.
(can be customized)


18% OFF
This Accountability Plan is perfect for someone with ambitious goals that wants serious results. This program includes accountability, coach check-ins, and it perfect to help you succeed.

-Customized Workout Program
Monthly Progressions
-Lifestyle Habit Coaching
-Healthy Recipes
-Fitness and Wellness Tips
-Three-2 hr Hike and Three 1 hour
Gym/Training Workout.
(can be customized)

Ultimate Results

27% OFF
The Ultimate Result Plan is designed to deliver you the best results possible with all the tools necessary to maximize your true bodies potential. Get ready for a whole new you!

-Customized Workout Program
Monthly Progressions
-Lifestyle Habit Coaching
-Healthy Reciepes
-Fitness and Wellness Tips
-Four-2 hr Hike and Four 1 hour
Gym/Training Workout.
(can be customized)

*each plan includes a free 30 minutes evaluation and physical assessment

Tired of feeling low on energy, bloated and tired?

Nourish your body with an Individualized clean eating plan

Add on's

Convenient Meal prep Service-Including Delivery
Custom Wellness & Nutrition Plans

*pricing inquiries welcome