I have a hard time with this one as I see so many people go all out with their resolutions, only to quit weeks later because they went to hard or made unrealistic goals.
I’ve had hundreds of conversations with clients about working out and eating properly. I am asked questions like “What do you think about this new diet?” Everyone is looking for the right answer, the holy grail, the game changer. My answer is always the same. For true change, you have to shift your mindset.
It’s very common for people fall into an all or nothing mindset with diet and exercise. When they are feeling motivated to see results, they flip the switch and go super hero fit status, hitting the gym every single day, nixing every bad food in the book, logging every calorie. Anyone can suffer through a brutal month of over training and calorie restriction and lose a few quick pounds, but research has continually proven that it’s not sustainable long-term, physically or mentally. Hit a single roadblock- like a week off from the gym or an ice cream binge and the wheels come off. That one slip up is perceived as a complete failure, and you flip the “being healthy” switch back off and give up.
Here’s my take on it – your relationship with diet and exercise doesn’t have to be hot and cold. Many people with a flexible approach to eating- like one that allows for sweets and other perceived missteps, may have a better record of maintaining weight loss than dieters with a hard-line strategy.
Research has shown that consistent exercisers who see working out as a part of their LIFESTYLE rather than a way to change their appearance, have the most success keeping weight off.
I’ve been a pretty active person all my life. Being fit is a part of who I am. There is also a part that loves wine and chocolate. My approach, which rejects strict rules and passing fads in favor of balance and consistency- is the basis for my journey as a coach. It has kept me motivated and most important, able to enjoy every aspect of my life. No on/off switch, no unreasonable perfection. Keep it simple. This will be the biggest shift you make for lasting results.
What goals can you set for the New Year that are small and attainable?
Keep it simple. I can assure you this will be the biggest shift you make for lasting results. It’s honestly the only magic pill I’ve ever found.