about me

Mother Earth

I grew up with an amazing mom who had a fierce love for nature and the outdoors.  Every chance she could, she would take me on road trips. She loved camping, exploring new places and taking photos. She saw the beauty in everything. She was able to translate that beauty in the most amazing way into her paintings as an artist.  She loved this Earth to its core and everything it had to offer. I was moved by her spirit and her passion. She was so full of life and she wanted to share it with everyone. She truly was the most amazing soul.

When I was 25 my mom departed from this earth just days after my daughter was born. It shattered my world. She was only 56 years old. I didn’t know how I was going to make it without her on this Earth. She was my best friend. That feeling really never goes away, but I did find healing and still do to this day, in nature. 

Hiking has connected me with my roots to this Earth and has brought me so much healing and strength. I feel my mom right there with me every time. When I’m outdoors soaking up Earth’s beauty, I see it as if she has painted a beautiful picture for me to see and for that I am thankful. So here is what I want to share with the world. Hiking in nature brings mindfulness and clarity when we need it the most. It is a way to get reacquainted with our personal passions. It allows inspiration to pour in. Hiking brings healing to the soul. I like to call it trail therapy. It has kept me hungry for growth and learning experiences. I seek nature as a form of healing and therapy when my soul is in tatters.

Lifelong growth is one of the greatest gifts we have as human beings. It gives us that strong will to live. After all, there is so much to do out there, so much to see and experience. Endless adventures await. 

Thanks Mom, for showing me that! So here it is. Hiking has become my backdrop to everything that I am passionate about. 

Health and Wellness

Health and wellness have been my biggest passion since I could remember. I want to help others learn how to tune into their bodies and become the best version of themselves. Not just physically but mentally and spiritually as well. It is such an important balance to learn. 

My goal and focus is to help guide people on their wellness journey in order to maintain the quality and longevity of life. I’m here to coach with physical activity, intuitive eating, practices and remedies to enable you to achieve mind-body balance.


The food you eat has a huge impact on the person you are, physically and mentally. When you hear the phrase, “You are what you eat”. That holds true! What you put into your body is how your going to feel. If you are fueling your body with unhealthy foods, your going to feel unhealthy. If you fueling your body with good foods that come from nature, you are going to feel good naturally! It’s that simple.

The nutrients in food that you eat each day, are going to determine your energy level and how you perform throughout your day.